Tuesday, May 26, 2009

IMRU Radio commentary May 25,2009 from Terry Garay

Terry Garay's commentary aired on IMRU Monday MAy 25, 2009 

"My two cents"

For the past few months, there’s been all sorts of speculation, and in recent weeks, the rumors have been flying, but now, at long last, it’s official: Tomorrow morning, the California Supreme Court is expected to issue its ruling on the future of Proposition 8.


 For those of you who don’t know, Prop 8 is that mean-spirited constitutional amendment that takes away the right to marry for same sex couples in California.  Passed by a slim margin in November of last year, it limits marriage to a man and a woman. 

If it’s ruled invalid, same sex couples will once again be able to marry here in the state.  And the unions of the 18,000 gay and lesbian couples who were able to marry for a brief period last year will not be affected.

 If Prop 8 is upheld, however, then a ruling will also be issued regarding the future of those existing same sex marriages.  And, yes, they could be ruled invalid.

 Shortly after the arguments were made to the court in March, I went out on a limb and predicted we might get a split decision – Prop 8 would be upheld, bad for us, but the 18,000 same sex marriages would also be upheld, no doubt upsetting for our opponents.  We’ll see what actually happens. 

 So how am I feeling tonight?  Like a kid on Christmas Eve – not quite sure what’s under the tree in those boxes, but very excited.

 The way I see it, whatever happens, good or bad, tomorrow we begin another chapter in LGBT history.  We’re moving forward, and that beats being stalled in limbo any day.

 If we made our case and the court happens to rule in our favor, I think we owe it to ourselves to maintain the momentum the LGBT community has been able to build up over the past few months.  Not since the early days of the AIDS and HIV epidemic have I seen so many different types of people working together toward a common goal.  From LGBTQ youth, to the people of color communities, to the gay bourgeoisie, it seems everyone’s on board! 


Unfortunately, even if the court rules in our favor, the celebration will probably be shortlived.  Our enemies, the conservatives and the hate-mongers, won’t give up that easily and we will soon find ourselves under attack again.

 If we lose, it’s almost simpler, because then we just battle on!  And I think we should! Short of violence, we should take advantage of every opportunity available to us - civic action, demonstrations, disobedience, recalls of the judges, economic strikes – or as one militant from history once put it, by any means necessary.

 Truth is I don’t know if I’ll be sleeping tonight, but I’ve already got my bedtime prayer laying on my nightstand. 

Tonight I lay me down to sleep. 

 I pray the court will do right by me.

 I don’t want to live as a second class citizen anymore. 

 I demand the right to marry

that same sex person I adore.

 I’m living for the day when LGBT people will find acceptance at every turn,

rather than a sometimes cruel world

that preaches hate,

and homophobia,


as the good word.

 Tonight I also pray for the continued well being

of all the people who have sacrificed

and given of their lives

in the fight for our civil rights.

From the attorneys,

to the plaintiffs,

to the volunteers,

and the campaign organizers.

 We cannot thank them enough.

So this is my prayer for the 25th of May

in the year 2009.

 May I someday look back, lord,

and remember this night

as the eve of a new day

when marriage

for us

was finally

in sight.




I’m Terry Garay, and for what it’s worth, that’s my two cents.


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